One of the main objectives of our organisation is to integrate participants of the Polish translation market. To do so, it is essential to develop collaboration principles that take into account the legitimate interests of all parties – translators, translation agencies and clients.
To make this possible, we must:
- Consult with and advice our clients in order to raise their awareness and increase their understanding of the translation process and principles, its particular stages and the technologies used. The aim is to allow clients to understand the cost drivers and differentiate between the types of services offered by our industry.
- Work towards furthering compliance with the principles of fair competition in both private and public procurement markets.
- Promote quality criteria and adherence to quality standards.
- Seek, where possible, to influence procurement and purchasing procedures, which are often drafted without proper knowledge of the market.
In order to achieve these objectives, we are taking steps leading to:
- Registration of POLOT Polish Association of LSPs in the list of organisations entitled to pursue legal remedies kept by the President of the Public Procurement Office.
- Development, in collaboration with the Public Procurement Office, of a code of good practices in public procurement of translation services.
- Lodging appeals challenging: the provisions of tender specifications, contract-award criteria in public procurement procedures that may potentially violate fair-competition principles, equal treatment of contractors, and the rules governing the art of translation.
- Publication of articles in the trade press, addressing procurement and purchasing departments, on the principles of proper contracting of translation services, taking into consideration justified limitations and determinants.
- Delivering speeches and presentations to members of the translation industry and public-procurement specialists at business events and conferences.
- Providing public and private stakeholders with free consultations on how to formulate the terms and conditions of purchase procedures.