What is POLOT?

POLOT is an employer organisation incorporated under the Employer Organisation Act of 23 May 1991 (Polish Journal of Laws reference: Dz.U. 1991 nr 55 poz. 235).

POLOT’s members are suppliers of professional language services and other LSP industry professionals. The goal of the organisation is to nurture a professional and inspiring environment for further development of the Polish LSP industry.

How to become a member?

  • fill in the Membership Application (link) and forward it to: polot@polot.org.pl
  • accept POLOT’s Code of Ethics (link)

POLOT’s Management Board review membership applications at their sittings and take membership decisions. All members must pay membership fees.

How much does it cost?

The fee for regular members is PLN 2,000 per year.

The fee for supporting members is determined individually by the Board.

What are the benefits of membership?

As a POLOT member, you can influence initiatives promoted by the leading LSP employer organisation in Poland. These initiatives, launched and developed by POLOT members, may include lobbying Polish legislators, government or judiciary to develop an LSP-friendly business environment; negotiating shared supply of products or services for POLOT members; conducting image-enhancing, educational or development projects for the LSP industry as a whole.

How do we manage potential conflicts between members, especially regarding competition?

POLOT operates on the basis of, and with full respect of, its shared values: collaboration and contribution to the common good. POLOT members are expected to act in accordance with these values and abstain from any type of competitive approach. In particular, members may not use their membership to promote their own personal goals. However, should a conflict arise between POLOT members, it should be submitted to and will be settled by the Audit Committee in line with POLOT’s Articles of Association and Byelaws. In any case, priority will be given to mediation and amicable conflict-solving procedures.